I love this holiday focused on giving thanks. No presents. No candy. No fireworks or costumes. Just food and people.
And I'm incredibly grateful you are among my people! Thank you for your support throughout the year. It means so much to me knowing you are sharing my journey. Thank you!
This week, just a quick note to wish you well.
And a moment in recognition of Native American Heritage Month.
President George H. W. Bush declared November as National American Indian Month in 1990, and awareness continues to grow. Though it hasn't become as well-known as Black Heritage Month in February, many folks make it a point to celebrate the culture, music, language and spirituality of
Indigenous Peoples this time of year.
For thousands of years in the northern hemisphere this has been hunting season, and once meat was procured for the winter, people gathered with their families to express reverence to the Creator.
"The Deer Dancer," below was painted by Woody Crumbo (Potawatomi).