February 25, 2022
Hello ,Â
My heart and prayers are with the people of Ukraine this morning.
Outside my window, the sun shines brightly on a fresh coat of snow. The world is so beautiful!
And such a contrast to the darkness swirling around us, the calamities that threaten seemly from all sides. My instinct is to feel hopeless.
The planet earth as I've known it is slipping away. Seas warming and rising.
The triumph of democracy over fascism I have studied and written about for the last decade is under attack by my fellow Americans. Citizens of this "great country" assaulting our right to vote and supporting a Russian autocrat invading a peaceful nation with no provocation.
I'm afraid.
The easy thing is to feel hopeless. The easy thing is to get busy with stuff and ignore my fear.
It's hard to struggle with the question of how, I, just one person, can do anything to mitigate climate change or help protect the basic tenants of democracy.
What if I do all I can, and still, calamity strikes? Do I have the courage to put my time, effort and heart into the fight without regard to the outcome?
I need go no further than the books I've written, the women whose stories I've told, to find models of this kind of hope and courage. And yet it feels so distant.
For today, I'll open my soul to the sunshine and breathe deep with gratitude for everything that's right and good in the world. I'll put one foot in front of the other and not give in to hopelessness and fear.Â
Thank you for being here on this journey together.