How much is a labor of love worth?

Published: Fri, 08/22/14

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 
Hello ,

Today I highlight two videos from Brain Pickings, a blog written by Maria Popova. She describes herself as a reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large. 

Her blog "is my one-woman labor of love - a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why. Mostly, it's a record of my own becoming as a person - intellectually, creatively, spiritually - and an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life.

First, to enjoy A.A. Milne Reads from Winnie-the-Pooh in a Rare 1929 Recording click here.

To view a short video of Maria talking about seven things she learned in the first seven years writing and producing her blog, click here.

In a 2012 interview with The Great Discontent, Maria said, "...I think you need to be in love with the reality of your own life in order to produce beautiful, meaningful, and intelligent things creatively."  

When she started writing Brain Pickings Maria needed to take a basic web design class for which she didn't have the money.

"In order to pay for it, I saved money by eating store brand oatmeal and canned tuna for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for three weeks until I had enough money to pay for the class. (laughing) That didn't feel like a sacrifice or risk at the time-it just felt like what I needed to do to be happy and I'm glad I did it. I can't imagine having done it any other way."

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Remembering Journalist James Foley

My ten years as a journalist never brought me close to the dangers of war correspondents like James Foley. I don't think I'd be that brave. But I do believe the job women and men like Foley do is necessary, courageous and admirable. His execution by Islamic extremists really hit me hard this week.

Journalist, Nicolas Henin, told CNN that he had been held with Foley, who he said worked hard to bring up the spirits of other prisoners.

Henin, who has never before spoken about Foley because he didn't want to jeopardize his safety, said he was held for seven months with the American journalist.

"It's a lot of stress, a lot of pressure all the time, a lot of starvation as well," said Henin, clearly emotional. "We were always lacking everything and James, in these specific harsh circumstances, (was) a very good friend and great support. He was always (there) when one of us was not feeling well... to always have some nice words."

Click here for video: Foley believed frontline journalism is important. 

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