Are We Abandoning Our Women Warriors?

Published: Fri, 09/26/14

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 
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Are We Abandoning Our Women Warriors? 
Painting by Pam Evenson

Listen up to these words from an American woman combat veteran, Lt. Colonel Madeline Ullom.

"I have a great reluctance now to apply for further disability because I am acutely aware that such application results only in a hassle. ...the stories I hear concerning applications for further disability have long ago discouraged me. Further, I know dozens of my nurse companions who have made application and have met with nothing but opposition."

Lt. Colonel Ullom was a former POW and veteran of WWII.

In the news today... the Disabled American Veterans identified serious gender gaps in virtually every program serving veterans, including health care, job training, finance, housing, social issues and combating sexual assault.

About 1 in 5 female veterans have delayed or gone without needed medical care in the prior 12 months, the report said.

Has nothing changed in 70-years?

In 1956 when former WWII POW Captain Maude Davison suffered a massive stroke that left her in a coma, the local Veteran's Administration Hospital refused to care for her. Her husband had to petition the regional VA office to get her a bed.

This week Joy Ilem, DAV's deputy national legislative director said female veterans "deserve equal respect, consideration and care as the men who served, yet the support systems are ill-equipped to meet the unique needs of the brave women who have defended our country."  

"At a time when the number of women veterans is growing to unprecedented levels, our country is simply not doing enough to meet their health, social and economic needs," she said.  For more on the story click here...

At the Washington State Women Veterans Summit this past weekend, the woman veterans were treated to spa services and offered information on improving health and well-being, bettering employment opportunities and transitioning to civilian life.

I was honored to share in the day and tell the story of the WWII nurses who served in the Philippines and were imprisoned by the Japanese.
Also this past weekend, I had the pleasure of hosting Editor Victoria Rock, the founder of Chronicle Books Children's Division and  my agent Stephen Fraser, both in Spokane for the Inland Northwest Society of Children's Book Writers and illustrators 10th Anniversary Conference.  Thanks to Rachel Hamby for the great photo.
News and Links 
Coming up...
Sunday, September 28th, 10:15-10:45am 
I'll be signing PURE GRIT. 

Saturday, October 4th, 1:15-4:15pm

I'm co-presenting a workshop demonstrating how current children's nonfiction texts can be used to motivate students to read for enjoyment and understanding while meeting 21st century and Common Core learning objectives.

Friday, October 10th, 1-1:10pm

I'm on a panel entitled: Hidden Architecture: Tension, Structure and Character in MG and YA Writing.

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