Sneak Peek: How Writers Capture Your Heart and Mind

Published: Fri, 11/14/14

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 

Hello ,

I've always been curious about what other people do at their jobs day to day. I love when I get the chance to hang out with somebody at their work. Although I have not taken up my cousin's offer to watch a heart surgery! I tend to faint at the sight of blood, which I did one time when I was a TV news reporter.

Below is a look behind the scenes at my work writing PURE GRIT. No blood involved.

Tools I use to Captivate Readers

This week I've been getting materials ready for the National Council of Teachers of English National Convention in Washington D.C. where I'm headed next Wednesday.

I'll be there offering teachers strategies to help students ground their writing with research. I'll use PURE GRIT to demonstrate how adding accurate and precise details helps writing come alive and engage readers. 

For most of us, it's easier to grasp and remember what we read when the words connect with both our heart and mind. Here's a look at how I wove details from research into a seamless narrative in PURE GRIT. In this first slide the blue arrows draw your attention to quotes and description on a single page of the book.  

This is actually a page from an unbound galley of PURE GRIT because it was easier than the book to photocopy. It differs slightly from the final page due to changes made in subsequent drafts. 

This next slide shows you sources for the details. They include my interview with the last living nurse, Millie Dalton Manning, transcripts of other interviews, books, and diaries.

I used quotes and descriptive details throughout the book to give readers a sense of time, place, and the reality of what the nurses experienced.  This may not be a representative page. I chose one that included material from a variety of sources. Does this work? Are you captivated? Let me know what engages your heart and mind.

Teachers or writers interested in the full presentation, let me know. It's called Detail upon Detail: Building a Compelling Story Arc in Fiction and Nonfiction.

News and Links 
Thanks to Social Moms Network for including PURE GRIT in their Holiday Gift Guide. Forgo a visit to the toy shop this holiday season and head to your local bookstore to stock up on thoughtful gifts: More than toys, books inspire, encourage, and give us an inside view into other worlds. Here are seven books that are sure to inspire the little girl in your life, this holiday season and beyond. 7 Inspiring Books for Girls

My Schedule
If you're local, I'd love to see you at my pre-Christmas signing!  PURE GRIT makes a great gift, not just to inspire the girls in your life, but also for the nurses, military people, history buffs, or that person who has everything.
Saturday, December 6
2512 East 29th Avenue, Spokane

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My best,


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