Check out what's on my desk this week!

Published: Fri, 10/09/15

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 
Hello ,

Happy Friday! 

Here's a look at what's on my desk this week.
Enjoying Every Step of the Process
Got my first glimpse of what my next book may look like. It is in the early design stages, so it may end up completely different, but I am so excited I just had to share it with you! Let's keep it to ourselves.

Publication date is now set for Fall 2016, so likely a year from now the book will be out!

Some of the last minute decisions are a bit daunting, but when I get into it I forget myself and it's all about what serves the story.

Right now I am going over the text, photo captions, timeline, glossary and author's note, taking a close look to make sure I have done everything I can to make it the best it can be. My husband is helping proofread!

I'm also taking care of copyright permissions for all photos which will be featured in the book. I happened to find a couple photos that I had not seen before and I'm hoping it's not too late to put them in the book.

Here's some extra photos that won't make the book. A women's march showing support for strikers in Colorado. Courtesy of the Denver Public Library.
Here's a shot of the National Guard Cavalry trying to bust up the Women's parade. Also from the Denver Public Library.
Thanks for all the feedback about last week's story on Sophie Scholl, who I forgot to tell you was a kindergarten teacher before her resistance activities and subsequent execution.

Kathy wrote, "I liked what you said about comparing yourself with heroes; unhealthy thing to do, of course, but it happens! It's good to know we all have different roles in life​."  Yes. Good to remember.

A reader wrote after my story last spring about Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian women whose family was torn apart and interned during WWII. Martha sent a link to an NPR story about the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 'Damning' Report On Treatment Of Aboriginal Children. You can listen to NPR's report here, or read the transcript.
News and Links 
I'm off tomorrow for Seattle to attend the announcement of the Washington State Book Awards. I've had a chance now to read two of the books that are finalists in the young adult category with PURE GRIT. The competition is pretty stiff. See the finalists here...

The reception is open to the public, so if you're in the neighborhood, stop by and cross your fingers for me.
Saturday, Oct. 10, 7 p.m.
Central Library / Fourth Avenue Entrance
1000 Fourth Avenue
University Books does not have our event on their calendar, so please pass the word. State Award finalists Maureen McquerryJennifer Longo, Jennifer K. Mann and I will be there talking with readers young and old. There will be cupcakes!
Sunday, Oct. 11, 3pm
4326 University Avenue, Seattle

In Spokane:
Kick off National Novel Writing Month at the Spokane County Library 
NaNoWriMo Mini-Conference
Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Moran Prairie Library

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My best,


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