I'm whispering Not-Yet-Official News in your ear this week!

Published: Fri, 04/22/16

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 
Hello ,

Amazing what you might run across on Google. It's not official, but indications are FANNIE NEVER FLINCHED has been selected by the Junior Library Guild. That's great news because it means many school libraries will stock it.​​​​​​​
Also, check this out, if you missed it. My story last week Do Black Heroines Matter? is getting traction on the web and is my most popular blog post ever.  
Available for Pre-order
Another cool thing! Fannie Never Flinched  is showing up on Amazon for pre-order. Of course, I would much rather you purchased the book from your local independent bookstore. They take orders online, just like Amazon, and you can find the one nearest you by clicking here...  

Selection by the Junior Library Guild is the first indication for an author that her book most likely will be well-received. According to the JLG website:​

"The JLG editorial team reviews more than 3,000 new titles each year, in manuscript or pre-publication stage. We've developed a keen sense for finding the best of the best. Nearly 95 percent of our selections go on to receive awards and/or favorable reviews."

But the reviews are yet to come, and there's no predicting what the critics will like. Pre-orders can definitely help an author. Strong numbers before a book is released may influence the publisher to beef up promotion of the title.

That is enough of me promoting my book for now. Thank you for reading this far.
News and Links 
book cover
Thanks to loyal subscriber Renee Harn for recommending a book she's reading.

Elephant Company, by Vicki Croke, is the story of an Englishman in Burma during the 1920-40's and his role as an elephant whisperer and WWII hero.

Seconding Renee's opinion, Sara Gruen of The New York Times Book Review says, "this book is about far more than just the war, or even elephants. This is the story of friendship, loyalty and breathtaking bravery that transcends species..." 

All reports are that Vicki Croke is a masterful storyteller, and the audio book read by Simon Preble is a hit, too. The book launched in 1014, so might not be hard to get at the library.
Oak Ridge, TN, secret Y-12 plant
If you'd rather read about the home front, check out The Girls of Atomic City.

Thank you, Martha Garland Whaley, for recommending this inside look at the civilians working on the Manhattan Project.

In 1944, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was home to 75,000 residents, consuming more electricity than New York City. But to most of the world, the town did not exist. Denise Kiernan decided to write a book when she ran across this picture of young women working at what was known as the "Y-12" plant.

"I was struck by the youth of these women, the size of the room, the unfamiliar technology.​​​​​​​  They did not know they were enriching uranium, and would not know, until a bomb detonated above Hiroshima," Kiernan says.

So many books, so little time. What are we to do?

Thanks for you time! 

Have you read a great book? Tell me about it. Have a burning question? Let me know.

​Until next week....

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To find out more about my books, how I help students, teacher and librarians, visit my website at www.MaryCronkFarrell.com. 

My best,


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