Stalwart Teachers Thwart the Nazis

Published: Fri, 05/20/16

Author Mary Cronk Farrell 
Hello ,

Visiting San Francisco this week with my husband on vacation...between walking the famed Bay to Breakers fun run and cycling across the Golden Gate Bridge... 

I couldn't miss the headlines about the city's teacher shortage. With some of the highest rents in the country, teachers can't afford to live in San Francisco.  
Kindergarten teacher Rebecca Sheehan-Stross (above) rents the dining room of an apartment in Oakland. The dining room. That's where she lives with no closet and little privacy. After a long day of teaching, she babysits to try and make ends meet.

Other San Francisco teachers have after-school jobs tending bar or driving for Uber. A few have lived in their cars or stayed in hostels.

Teachers in Boston are having similar problems. In other states like Arizona and Indiana the teachers are leaving in droves due to underfunded classrooms, overboard mandated testing and almost no instructional autonomy. ​​​​​​​
A 2013 poll found that teacher satisfaction had declined 23 percentage points since 2008. Only 39 percent of teachers saying they are very satisfied with their jobs, the lowest level in 25 years. Fifty-one percent of teachers reported feeling under great stress several days a week.

If, like me, you know any teachers, these stats don't surprise you. One of my best friends is a middle school teacher, and is one of the most dedicated people I know in any profession. She cares deeply about her students' learning and goes way beyond the requirements of the job.

Teaching in America today requires courage, commitment to the common good and a selfless dedication day in and day out.
Norwegian Teachers Defy Nazis
When the Nazis invaded Norway in WWII, teachers defied Nazi efforts to take over their children's education. The country's military defenses were overrun within days, and a puppet government of Norwegian Nazi party members were installed to convert the country to fascism.

This new government ordered all teachers to join an association led by Nazi stormtroopers. Among the new rules for schools:
  • Textbooks will be changed so they conform with Nazi viewpoints;
  • Every child must learn German (no-longer English) as a second language; and
  • Teachers must instruct their students in the fundamentals of Nazism.
The vast majority (more than 85%) of Norwegian teachers refused the orders, forcing the government to close schools. "It was a matter of conscience. We couldn't have looked our families and friends in the face if we hadn't taken this stand," one teacher explained. 

The Nazi's arrested 1,300 educators and pressured them to return to the classroom. Despite harsh treatment, the teachers held firm and continued to do so when nearly 500 were sent to a concentration camp and forced labor in the Arctic with Russian POWs.

Their journey started by cattle-car... "This was followed by a sea voyage, in conditions that horrified even the Nazi doctor who went on board…. The ship had room for only 250 passengers, but all 499 were crammed in. Many could not even lie down, though they were now ill with “pneumonia, gastric ulcers, asthma, bronchitis, hemorrhage and mental derangement.” ~Thanks to Peace Pledge Union, London.

All but one of the teachers survived, and they became heroes who gave hope to people throughout Norway. Finally the occupation government gave up and released them to go home. 
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All current subscribers' names were entered in a random drawing for an advanced readers copy of my upcoming book is Irena's Children. The winner is Barbara Stagg!

As the rules stated last week, the winner must e-mail me to claim the book before next Thursday, May 26th at 3pm, or an alternate winner will be selected with the same provision.

Thanks for you time! 

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​Until next week....

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