And of course, I have bit of little-known history to share, this story is bizarre! But once I started watching it, I could not stop. It's
nothing to do with Italy, but is a documentary I found while researching World War II.
It's about a woman born as part of a Nazi program to breed an elite race of pure Aryans to lead the Third Reich. Founded in 1935, Lebensborn was
designed to reverse Germany’s declining birthrate, halt the escalating number of abortions, and encourage extramarital relations between people classified by the Nazis as "racially pure and healthy".
Renate Jeckeln began life in a
Lenbensborn home, raised with a nursery full of babies overseen by scientists under orders from Heinrich Himmler. When the Nazi's were defeated, her mother retrieved her and raised Renate in France.
What would you do, if you found out your father was Nazi criminal who'd been in charge of a death camp? The documentary is not a slick production and moves a bit slowly. But let me know if you can resist watching it. :)