Photo Zhaydee Cabañelez in the hospital, courtesy of Valencia City Police Office Chief Colonel Surki Sereñas
Zhaydee was struck in the chest and legs. Her husband Ramil Cabañelez, also teaching in the classroom, managed to escape without injury.
Zhaydee has been held incommunicado in her hospital room, guarded by police since the attack. According to parents at the school, police never came to investigate the shooting and students gathered the bullet shells at the scene.
The violent assault did not come out of the blue. President Rodrigo Duterte has taken a hard line against unions, and ACT teachers have been profiled as terrorists by the Philippine National Police. Since his election in 2016, Duterte has been accused of human rights abuses, but continued to consolidate his authoritarian regime in the Philippines.
Raymond Basilio, ACT General Secretary, has received multiple death threats since this year. The teacher wounded by gunfire October 15th, had been recognized in 2016 by the Department of Education Outstanding Teacher Award.
Members of ACT have organized seeking pay raises for teacher.
The global union movement is organizing a day of action in solidarity with teacher in the Philippines on December 10th, International Human Rights Day.
You can show your support for teachers in the Philippines here...