January 15, 2020
Hello ,
Coming to you lived from the parking lot of Panera, where I have come to order lunch to go and connection to Panera wifi to send you this newsletter. I've been without electricity and internet for three days after a windstorm knocked down hundreds of trees, many of which fell on powerlines.
Unfortunately, they also fell on houses and cars and people. Only one death so far. No word on when power will be restored.
In other news, I'm so excited to share some details about my upcoming book Close-up on War: The Story of Pioneering Photographer Catherine Leroy in Vietnam.
Yes, the title is long. Taking after my other nonfiction titles. With many people choosing their books on line, rather than from library or bookstore shelves, the more identifying words in the title, the more likely a book will come up in a search.
Additionally, readers are used to picking up novels without fully knowing the story. But with nonfiction, some readers need more context about a book before deciding to read further.