September 24, 2021
Hello ,
This is so hard for me. I need to ask you for five minutes and $25.
I realized this week that my new book will be out in just four months! I've really enjoyed focusing on writing my novel this summer. Almost finished!!!
But now, I must turn my attention to promoting CLOSE UP ON WAR, and I need you to help me! (click on the title anytime to pre-order the book)
Here's a dirty little secret about publishing.
The months before a book comes out are the most important. Especially now that books are available for pre-order.
The fate of a book can be decided before it's even published. The more pre-orders, the more copies the publisher will print. The more pre-orders, the more money and effort the publisher will put into publicizing the book.
The day Close Up On War comes out, all pre-orders are counted in the sales figures for that one day. It's like the opening weekend for a movie. Often that's how a new book hits the New York Times Bestseller's
list .
I hate to say this in front of my other titles, but Close Up On War is my best book yet!
Catherine Leroy saw more combat than any photographer in Vietnam. Years after the war, her competitors said that!
During the war, they were jealous and spiteful, spreading salacious rumors about her, and even trying to get her press credentials revoked.
Catherine wasn't the first woman war photographer. But she was the first one to spend so much time on the ground with the soldiers and marines. She was the first to show war through their eyes.
Catherine was only 21 when she flew to Vietnam on a one-way ticket. It was early 1966, several months before a few women in the United State got together to form the National Organization for Women.
Catherine was fighting battles for women's rights in the jungle, under machine gun fire, before most women even recognized how badly they needed them.
CLOSE UP ON WAR is an inspiring story about a young woman who risked her life to show the world what was happening in Vietnam. It tells of her personal struggles and triumphs through the private letters she
wrote her mom and dad.
CLOSE UP ON WAR is also the story of the US escalation of the Vietnam War in it's bloodiest years, 1966-68, including the secrets, what we know now, that was kept from the American
public then.
I've put so much into this book, yes, time and effort, but also my heart. Writing this intimate story of the Vietnam War often brought me to tears, to anger.
I didn't want to think about the war. When I proposed the book, I somehow thought I could tell Catherine's story and not get much into the war. I was lying to myself.
I can't thank you enough for subscribing, for being with me on this journey. Your support means more than I can say. I would be so grateful if you would support this book.
If you must save $1.16 (plus free shipping if you have prime) order at Amazon. (19.99)
Thanks so much! That was more than five minutes. But ordering the book will take you less than five minutes if you do it right now while you've got the links handy.
I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart!
If you missed last weeks story, or would like to see a version with all the typos corrected (including extra photos and facts I've discovered) check it out here:
From the publisher- "Based on true events, this epic tale of love and war is an inspiring journey through one of history's most moving sagas."
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